What do the latest global trends mean for food security, poverty, and the overall health of our planet?
That’s a question on many people’s minds these days, and it’s one we need to address if we want to make progress in these areas. In this blog post, we’ll look at some of the key global trends shaping our world today – and what they could mean for the future.
In 2018, the World Government Summit launched a report called Agriculture 4.0 – The Future of Farming Technology, in collaboration with Oliver Wyman. This report addressed the four main developments placing pressure on agriculture to meet the demands of the future: demographics, scarcity of natural resources, climate change, and food waste. The report found that by 2050, the world’s population is expected to reach 9.7 billion, putting a tremendous strain on the already scarce natural resources needed to support them. In addition, climate change is expected to significantly impact agriculture, making it more difficult to produce food. Food waste is also a significant issue, with over one-third of all food produced going to waste. The report concluded that Agriculture 4.0 – which includes the use of precision farming and other innovative technologies – will be essential in meeting the demands of the future.
Agriculture 4.0 is the term used to describe the incorporation of digital technology into farming practices. Building on the concept of precision farming, Agriculture 4.0 encompasses all actions that are carried out in agriculture based on a precise and accurate analysis of data and information. This data can be collected from various sources, including sensors in the field, and is then transmitted and analyzed using advanced tools and technology. The aim is to enable the synergistic use of a range of digital technologies, in turn allowing for more efficient and effective management of farmland. In addition, by automating the collection and analysis of data, Agri 4.0 has the potential to reduce the amount of time and labor required to manage crops and livestock. As such, it represents a significant evolution in the way that agriculture is carried out.
Agri 4.0 incorporates the Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics to extend, speed up, and increase the efficiency of activities that affect the entire production chain and farmers can increase economic, environmental, and social sustainability – as well as profitability. One example of how this is being done is through the use of sensors that monitor various aspects of the farm environment, such as soil moisture levels, pH levels, and temperature. The data collected by the sensors is then transmitted to a central computer which analyzes the data and provides farmers with information that can help them make decisions about irrigation, fertilization, and crop selection. In this way, Agriculture 4.0 is assisting farmers in producing more food with fewer inputs, leading to increased sustainability and profitability.
Adopting 4.0 solutions can help farmers to improve efficiency and productivity while reducing costs. One of the main benefits is that they can help avoid unnecessary waste. For example, by calculating the exact water requirements of a crop, farmers can prevent over-irrigating and losing valuable water resources. Similarly, by detecting the onset of certain plant diseases or pests, farmers can take steps to prevent them from spreading and causing damage to crops. In addition to avoiding waste, 4.0 solutions also allow for greater precision in planning and execution. Farmers can use 4.0 technologies to plan all stages of cultivation, sowing, and harvesting with great accuracy, saving both time and money. Finally, improving traceability throughout the supply chain can result in a shorter supply chain that is capable of producing high-quality food in a sustainable manner with little margin for error. As 4.0 technologies continue to evolve, it is clear that they will have a significant impact on the future of agriculture.